Real Social Networking™

Take JC us out for a test drive! We spent much time making sure JC is safe and secure. JC was invented for you. :)

Create account


Make friends

Make friends based on your interests.

Follow Interests

Create interests from variety of options.

Create Posts

Post your thoughts along with photos.

Manage Community(s) / Groups

Create and maintain your own community.

Events Invite

Create an interest based events and enjoy with your loved ones.

Real-time Chat

Send private messages with real-time notifications.

Videos Calls

Never miss a moment with your friends or family.

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Get suggestions based on your interest

About JustCompany

JustCompany (JC) is a free social networking website. You can meet like-minded people. Create Communities, events, and establish interests that we match to other members. Combat isolation and loneliness by meeting members online or in person. Use our Videoconferencing tool or chat via real-time messaging.

JC aims to bring people and groups together. We encourage you to seek out common interests and connect. So reach out and "Have As Much Fun As Your Free Time Allows." This is what we call a social network, and it is Real Social Networking™